Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Final Quiz: Question & Answer

1.   Two parts of the human eye that regulate the ability to detect color and brightness include the rods and the cones. The rods allow the eye to discern the difference between dark and light images. The cones allow the eye to discern all colors in the color spectrum while the rods operate on the grey scale. There are red cones, blue clones, and green clones which mix different levels of light to generate all the colors in the color spectrum.
2.   1080i and 1080p are two different ways of displaying pixels on a television or monitor. The “i” in 1080 stands for interlaced scan while the “p” stands for progressive scan. A 1080i resolution operates at a wide-screen viewing ration of 16:9. Although 1080p operates at the same ration, its frames are not interlaced, but are instead progressively drawn line after line to produce a more vibrant picture.
3.   Megabits and Megabytes are two different measurements used in the world of video for describing amounts of memory/ file storage space, or operating speed. One megabyte is equal to eight megabits.
4.   Three different type of lights that can be used in three point lighting include existing light, modified light, and created light. Existing light is simply light that already exists and requires no adjustments. Modified light is light that has been altered to create a specific look. Created light is extra artificial lighting that has been added to a scene. With that understanding in place, there are also different lighting methods that produce either incandescent light, florescent light, or L.E.D. light. Incandescent lights use filament, that when heated by electricity glows like a traditional lamp light bulb. Florescent lights use mercury vapor and electricity usually used for overhead lighting.
     5.   When lighting a subject, the concept of falloff has to do with the difference and contrast of shadows that the lights cast. Fast falloff creates much harsher shadows that are high in contrast and go from light to dark very quickly. Slow falloff is simply the opposite effect in which there are more visable areas of grey that can be noticed between the different contrasts of light and shadow. 

6.   Trucking is a movement that involves sliding the camera from left to right. Dollying has a double definition that refers to a rolling stand the camera is mounted on as well as the motion of moving in and out on a subject. Panning a movement that involves aiming the camera from left to right while set on a stable tripod.

Sunday, November 17, 2013

TV Show: “Brew Hounds” Presented by The Brew Crew

10 Minute Episode


It seems as though after over 10,000 years of cultivation, the beer gods would agree that beer is finally being brewed to near perfection. Forget about all those mass produced, bland and watery lagers that the corporate beer giants want you to drink. We’re talking craft beer… with personality, taste, aroma, and intensity that never compromises. Right now we are in the midst of a craft beer revolution. The best part about the craft beer revolution is that its its gone global, but its still raging right here in your own backyard. To find it, you’ve just got to know where to look. Join the Brew Hounds as they scour the city for the best watering holes offering the up some of the most unique craft beer in Baltimore. Every week we feature one of our personal favorite bars delivering the best craft beer we can find so that you can enjoy them as much as we do.

Extreme wide, Establishing shot

This week we’re at Union Craft Brewing to take a little tour and sample a few of the finest brews our friends have to offer.

Lets go check it out…

Entrance shot of people walking into the bar.

wide shot of full bar layout. Close ups on beer being poured into the glass from the top, Shot down the bar, Extreme close up on sweating glass.

Shots of the tour guide talking about the brewery techniques and shedding some light on the whole process, as it is mixed in with shots of all the brewery equipment.

Lets go try some of Union's finest craft beers

Move to the Bar
Sample a Few beers

Q&A segment where we talk to the bar tenders and patrons about their favorite beers, the bar itself, and the reasons they enjoy them.

Question to management / bar tender:

How many craft beers does Union currently brew and offer to the public.

What types of beer are you brewing?

What is the most popular beer Union offers?

Now whats your personal favorite?

Questions to general patrons:

Is this your first time visiting the brewery?

What do you like best about Union Craft Brewery?

What's your favorite beer?

Why should people come experience the brewery for themselves?

In one word describe Union's beer...
             (Link a string of clips together of people describing the beer and enjoying themselves)

Thanks for joining us. Hopefully you had as much fun as we did, and get a chance to head over to Union Craft Brewing for some good company and even better beer.

Until next week… Cheers

Music Video of the Week

"I Fink You Freaky" is by far one of the most bizarre music video's I've ever seen by a wacky South African rap group notoriously know as Die Antwoord which in English translates to The Answer.

Thursday, October 24, 2013

BrewDog Situation Analysis

Martin Watt and James Dickie had grown bored of the industrially produced bland lagers and stuffy ales that dominated the UK market, so they set out to brew their own boldly flavored craft beer.  Consequently, in April 2007 BrewDog was born, and with it sparked a Craft Beer Revolution. Since their point of inception, filling bottles by hand, and selling their beer at markets as well as out of the back of a beat up old van, the Scottish Craft Beer Brewery has flourished remarkably over the past 6 years. From it infancy of only two men and a dream, BrewDog has grown to 12 bar locations in the UK alone, while offering their bottled beer in 38 different countries worldwide. BrewDog first opened its doors to the public in 2011 providing people the opportunity to buy company shares through their “Equity For Punks” program, which raised just over £2 million. Initially the offer was over subscribed and closed early which left many people on the outside missing their chance to invest.  Today, the Equity For Punks business model is back and stronger than ever.  The company is now made up of thousands of shareholders who care passionately about BrewDog and the Craft Beer they produce. BrewDog plans on doubling their previous business model, and estimates their current fundraising installment of Equity For Punks to reach up to £4 million this time around. Over the past five years, BrewDog has been operating at a calculated average annual growth of 167%. This year the company has announced record growth for 2013 as it plans on opening nine new bar locations in the next six months including bars in Sao Paulo, New Delhi, and Berlin. BrewDog currently stands poised and stronger than ever, as it was recently named The Fastest Growing Food and Drinks Company in the UK’s Sunday Times Fast Track 100 of 2012. 

Thursday, October 3, 2013

1.) What do I want to say? Message
2.) How do I want to Say it? Tone, Approach
3.) What do I want them to feel, think, or see? Play into the senses and emotions.
4.) Who is your audience?  Conduct research.

Closing the Deal
1.) What specifically do i want to say??
2.) Do I have pictures to back up my message?

PSA Exercise: Drunk Driving
We want to communicate the dangers of drinking and driving.
We want to say it in an extremely serious tone.

We want to appeal to tragic emotion and the heavy consequences of the action in practice.
Our audience is anyone who drinks alcohol with access to an automobile.
Tagline "Before you drink and drive... Think and stay alive.
We are going to communicate through a commercial.
Our idea is to show people mourning at a funeral and pan to a gorgeous expansive car being lowered into a grave. A solemn voice over comes in and says something along the lines of, "thankfully this is the only thing being buried today." then a short clip of someone in critical condition in a hospital with a steady heart beat.
Black Screen: Drop Slogan -> "Before you drink and drive... Think and stay alive."

Thursday, September 12, 2013

Jungle Gym Long Take

My Long Take was filmed at The Calvert School After School Care Program

Thursday, September 5, 2013

Judge Doc Chris

Doc Chris inspired me to make a little video short of his court hearing in class today so I compiled a small short of today's proceeding highlighting the best of the best. Unfortunately the video will not upload successfully so I will have to show it later via youtube.